Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blog about Twitter

   I just recently signed up on Twitter and i'm going blog about how it compares to having a discussion on Blackboard and in class.

   To compare having a discussion on Twitter to having one on Blackboard its like comparing sitting on a pointy rock or on a water bed, respectively. Blackboard is simply decades behind the usability and engaging factor Twitter has. Blackboard feels so clunky and slow, in comparison, when there's a really good topic in discussion and there are multiple people on the same topic, you cant type fast enough to reply to everybody on Twitter. Blackboard is just not up to the task, Twitter is a dedicated site to micro blogging and its the best at it.

    Having a conversation in class is almost like having a conversation on Twitter. Its like passing notes in class so the teacher wont see or punish you. In fact, i bet tons of students tweet in class rather than have a verbal conversation. Since talking in class will get you canned by the teacher, Twitting is an alternative, they are very similar in the practical sense. If verbally having a discussion in class, then Twitting is just not the same, there is no way anybody can type as fast as they can motor mouth. The face to face and verbal interaction makes the conversation much more engaging, no social networking site will ever surpass that, but Twitting is the next best thing.

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